7 Months!

Doing something a little different and will update Ricky's 7th month in pictures. Mostly because not a whole lot has changed since his 6 month post and he'll turn 8 months in less than 3 weeks. ;)

7 Months.  Really...7 Months?  Where oh where has the time gone?

Big sis Mia is still the best thing since sliced bread.  Seriously, watching these two together is just magical!

You're such a happy baby!  In your sister's pink hat (please don't kill us).  It's just too cute to not share.

You LOVE being outdoors.  This especially comes in handy when you're fussy and you want nothing to do with any of your zillion toys & gadgets.

You've started to sit in your stroller like a big boy and love the new view!
You have hair!  And so Daddy loves giving you this spiked 'do' at bath time.  

Speaking of bath time, you love it since it gives you full access to your manly bits.  In true male fashion, you can't keep your hands off them whenever you get the chance!  (For the record, you're not grabbing yourself here - it just appears that way!)

You took your 1st trip to the beach and loved every.minute.of.it.  Check out those man-boobs and tummy filled with cellulite.  LOVE it!  ;) 

*Sigh* It's so hard to believe that you're already 7 months old. I got a little weepy the other day thinking about how fast this has been going by. You're rounding up to one year now and I've even started thinking about your 1st birthday party. You continuously amaze me and I'm truly soaking in each and every day with you.  Baby boy, it's rediculous how much joy you bring in to our lives.  We love you so much!




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